Hi, I'm Young He, a first-year undergraduate at the University of Texas at Austin.
I'm pursuing a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) with a nanotechnology track.

image of me
Photo of me taken by my friend Jeongwoo Choi with his Pixel 6. The image processing on the Pixel borders on magical but the results tend to look a bit unrealistic.

I have lots of interests, including

photo I took in Canada
A photo I took using a Zorki 3 in Canada a couple years ago. Film is Fuji C200.

Please use the navigation bar at the top to browse around. I hope your visit will be informative, entertaining, or both!

Additionally, if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please email me (address below).

Contact me at [my first name]h@utexas.edu